Solutions for Troublesome Daily Transitions
Transitions are difficult, learn ways to help your child prepare for and succeed transitioning between tasks.
How to Challenge Rigid Thinking
Rigid thinking can look like a strong sense of morality, following rules to a T, fixating on what is right and wrong
How to Manage Expectations of Your Gifted & Talented or Twice Exceptional Child
Parents who have children identified as Gifted and Talented (GT) or Twice Exceptional (2e) can experience confusion about realistic expectations for their child’s behaviors. Though these children have an advanced intellectual maturity, they often exhibit asynchronous development.
Think your child is Autistic? Here are the next steps:
Parents can feel lost in the process of receiving a diagnosis of Autism for their children. The route isn’t always clear, and it is typical to encounter long wait lists to access testing. The good news is, you are not alone and don’t have to wait for a formal diagnosis before receiving help for your child!
Parenting Reframe
Many parents struggle with finding appropriate consequences for challenging and defiant behaviors. In therapy, we help parents find new ways to teach their children about accountability.
Friends Forever? When to Call it Quits
Friendships serve multiple functions in our lives, providing opportunities for connection, fun, and relationships outside our families. Though friendships differ in strength, closeness, and how often you see each other, these interactions should positively impact your life.
Wait, What? The Signs of Chronic Gaslighting
Wait, what? Is this gaslighting?
Gaslighting refers to the manipulation of someone through psychological methods. Gaslighting makes an individual question their sanity, experiences, feelings, and reasoning powers.