Think your child is Autistic? Here are the next steps:

Parents can feel lost in the process of receiving a diagnosis of Autism for their children. The route isn’t always clear, and it is typical to encounter long wait lists to access testing. The good news is, you are not alone and don’t have to wait for a formal diagnosis before receiving help for your child! Therapists, including myself, can provide immediate support, interventions, and evaluate your child’s presenting behaviors and functioning to help you determine if testing is an appropriate next step. Clients benefit from having an established therapeutic relationship before testing has been done and can easily locate evaluators through their therapist’s referral network. Formal testing can be costly, so if you are unsure if your child is Autistic, finding a therapist who specializes in Autism is an excellent place to start.

If you have concerns about your child’s social, academic or emotional functioning, or believe your child is showing signs of Autism, reach out to Intuitive Counseling today and get immediate assistance! Call us at 720-689-6166 or click on this link. I look forward to helping you through this process and being an advocate for you and your child!  


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